Dyskusja wikisłownikarza:Mazbel

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Ad [1]: Dlaczego? Przecież to poprawny cytat. A zwrot jest slangowy to i cytat slangowy... (dyskusja) 21:24, 16 lip 2016 (CEST)[odpowiedz]

@ Wiktionary does not allow the use of spam. In this issue you added a link to a web page. So I reverted your edit.Leitoxx (dyskusja) 21:38, 16 lip 2016 (CEST)[odpowiedz]
You are referring to a proposal drafted on English Wiktionary, please don't apply those criteria here. We accept external links as a means of referencing citations, definitions, notes, etc, and in no case this editor seemed to be promoting a website as you implied. BTW as far as I know, unregistered users are not notified by mentions like the ping above. Regards, Peter Bowman (dyskusja) 22:15, 16 lip 2016 (CEST)[odpowiedz]