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Welcome to Yiddish portal!
[…] See now children, remember dear ones. What you've learned here, repeat it again and again: komets aleph — o! […]
— „On the Hearth” Mark Warshawsky
ver. 0.77b

General Information


The authors of this dictionary ensure that all its entries conform to the standard language according to the grammar and spelling rules established by YIVO.

Currently Wikisłownik (the Polish Wiktionary) has 8553 Yiddish entries, all of which have YIVO romanization, Polish phonetic pronunciation, and IPA. Almost all of the nouns have an indication of the gender and plural form. Most of the entries also provide etymology, related terms, and synonyms. Some of the entries have examples of the word used in a sentence.

We plan to complete all of the possible declensions and conjugations, and to provide usage examples for each entry. Every day we add new entries and expand the existing ones.

Currently our dictionary is the largest, up-to-date, postwar dictionary that has been "published" in Poland, but there is still plenty to do... If you're up for it, you too can help us. To see how you can join our staff and start co-editing, read to redactors and help.


At the same time Wikibooks is creating a textbook for Yiddish, which, together with this dictionary, is intended to serve as a base for learning the Yiddish language and its history.

further reading

Also check out the information about Yiddish on the English Wikipedia.

How to use the dictionary


To find an entry you can use the index and search through it letter-by-letter like using a traditional dictionary. This advisable if you are trying to find words with the same root, or if you do not know the correct spelling. Entries are arranged from right to left in the following sequence:

Clicking a letter from the list will direct you to the start of entries with the chosen letter.

search engine

If you want to find a specific word and you know the exact spelling, it will be easier to use the search engine. It is located on every site in a gray column between nawigacja and narzędzia sections. The search word may be entered using Hebrew letters, Polish phonetic prononciation (the way you hear it – fi. ווערטערבוך → werterbuch) or YIVO romanization (ווערטערבוך → verterbukh). If you don't know what latin letters correspond with Hebrew letters check out the annex, which contains both systems. If you are looking for a word derived from Hebrew, it is better to use the Polish phonetic prononciation (fi. שבת → szabes). If you use the YIVO romanization, remember to write the word without using vowels, exacly the same way as in Hebrew (fi. שבת → shbs).

If you have a Yiddish keyboard installed and you want to search for a word based on its original spelling, you have to avoid the use of ligatures like: װ ,ױ ,ײ. To assure correct sorting all ligatures are replaced by constitutive letters (e.g. ו and י), except for ײַ – pasekh tsvey yudn, which has no substitution. The same applies for pasekh, komets, khirik and others.

You can also use IPA in the search engine.

polish translations

Another way to find a Yiddish word is to look for a Yiddish translation in the corresponding Polish entry. Not all of the Polish entries have Yiddish translations, but the number of those that do is increasing. That way our dictionary works both ways.

Recently added entries


category=jidysz (indeks)


Babel Tower

Here you can check the level of Yiddish knowledge of specific Wiktionary redactors.

yi דער באַניצער רעדט ייִדיש אַלס מוטער־שפּראַך.
yi-4 דער באַניצער האָט ייִדיש כּמעט ווי מוטער־שפּראַך.
yi-3 דער באַניצער האָט זייער גוטע ידיעה פֿון ייִדיש.
yi-2 דער באַניצער איז אַ ווײַטהאַלטער פֿון ייִדיש.
yi-1 דער באַניצער האָט תּוך־ידיעה פֿון ייִדיש.
yi-0 דער באַניצער רעדט נישט קיינ ייִדיש.


Watch the growth of the Yiddish dictionary!

Diagrams prepared based on data from the Wiktionary statistics.
Vertical axis: date of the database monthly dump. Horizontal axis: number of existing entries.

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