Wikisłownikarz:Blasfemia/Mój brudnopis2

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aback abandon abate abatement abbreviate abbreviation abduct abduction abhor ability abject ablaze able able-bodied abnormal aboard abolish A-bomb abominable abomination aborigines abort abortion abortive [[abound about above above-ground above-mentioned abrade abrasion abrasive abreast abridge abroad abrupt abscissa absence absent absenteeism absent-minded absolute absolutely absorb absorber absorption abstain abstainer abstinence abstract abstracted abstraction absurd abundance abundant abuse abusive abut academic academy accede accelerate acceleration accelerator accent accentuate accept acceptable acceptance access accessible accessories accessory accident accidental acclaim acclimatization acclimatize acclivity accommodate accommodation accompany accomplish accomplished accomplishment accord accordance accordint to account accountable accountant accredited accretion accrue accumulate accumulation accumulator accuracy accurate accusation accuse accustom accustomed ace acetic acetylene ache achieve achievement achromatic acid acidify acknowledge acknowledgement acme acorn acoustic acoustic guitar acoustics acquaint actuaintance acquire acquisition acquit acre acrid acronym across act acting action activate active activity actor actress actual actually actuate acuity acute ad adapt adaptation adapter add addendum adder addict addicted addiction addition additional additive address addressee adequate adhere adherence adhesion adhesive adjacent adjective adjoin adjourn adjudge adjust adjustable adjuster adjustment administer administration administrative administrator admirable admiration admire admissible admission admit admittance admittedly admix admixture admonish adolescent adopt adoption adoration adore adrift adsorption adult adulterate advance advanced advancement advantage advantageous adventure adventurer adventurous adverb adversary adverse advert advertise advertisement advice advisable advise adviser advisory advocate aerial aerobatics aerodrome aerodynamics aeronautics aeroplane aerosol aerospace aerotrain aesthetic affair affect affection affiliate affiliation affinity affirm affirmative affix affliction afflluent afford afforestation affront aflame afloat afoot afraid afresh after after-effect afterglow afternoon afterthought afterwards again against age agency agenda agent age-old agglomerate agglomeration agglutinate aggravate aggregate aggression aggressive agitate agitation ago agrarian agree agreeable agreement agricultural agriculture agrimotor aground ahead aid aided aileron ailment aim air airborne aribus air-conditioned air-conditioner air-conditioning aircraft aircraft carrier aircrew airfield airlift airline airliner air-operated airplane airport airscrew airship airspace airstrip airtight airway airworthy airy aisle akin alarm album albumen alcohol alcoholic alert alga algebra algebraic algebraical algorithm alien alight align alignment alike alimentation alimony alive alkaline all allergy alleviate alley alleyway allied alligator all-night allocate allocation allot allotment allow allowable allowance alloy all-purpose all-round allude allusion allusive ally ally almighty almond almost aloft alone along alongside aloud alphabet alphabetical alphanumeric already also altar alter alteration alternate alternating alternative alternator although altitude altogether aluminium always amass amateur amaze amazement amazing ambassador amber ambidextrous ambient ambiguity ambiguous ambition ambitious ambulance ambush ameliorate amend amendment amethyst amiable amicable amidst ammunition amnesty among amongst amorphous amortize amount ampere amphibian amphitheatre ample amplification amplifier amplify amplitude amuse amusement amusing analog analogous analogue analogy analyse analysis analyst analytic analytical anarchy anatomy ancestor anchor ancient ancillary and anew angel anger angle angler angora cat angry angular animal animate animated animation anion ankle annex annexe annihilate anniversary announce announcement announcer annoy annoyance annual annuity annul anode anomalous anomaly anonymous another answer ant antechamber antedate antelope antenna anteroom anthem antibiotic anticipate anticipation anticlockwise anticorrosive anticyclone antidote antipodes antiquated antique antiquity anvil anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment ape aperture apex apiarist apiary apogee apologize apology appal apparatus apparent appeal appear appearance appendix appetite appetizing applaud applause apple appliance applicable application apply appoint appointment appraisal appraise appreciable appreciate appreciation apprehend apprehension apprentice approach approachable approbation appropriate approval approve approximate approximation apricot apron apt aptitude aqualung aquarium aquatic aqueous arable arbitrary arbour arc arcade arch archeologist archeology archery archetype architect architectural architecture archives arctic ardent are area argue argument argumentative arid arise aristocracy arithmetic arithmetical arm armament armature armchair armed armour armoured armoury armpit arms army aroma aromatic around arouse arrange arrangement array arrears arrest arrival arrive arrogance arrogant arrow arsenal art. artery article articulate articulated articulation artificial artillery artisan artist artistic as asbestos ascend ascent ascertain ascribe aseptic ash ashamed ashen ashore ashtray aside ask askew asleep asparagus aspect asphalt aspiration aspire assassin assassination assault assay assemble assembler assembly assent assert assess assets assign assignment assimilate assimilation assist assistance assistant associate association assort assortment assume assumption assurance assure astonish astonishment astronaut astronomic astronomical astronomy A-sub asylum asymmetry at atheist athlete athletic athletics atlas atmosphere atmospheric atom atomic atomize atrocious attach attack attain attainable attempt attend attendance attention attentive attenuate attest attestation attic attitude attorney attract attraction attractive attribute attrition auburn auction auction-sale audible audience audiovisual audit auditory auger augment aunt aural auspices authentic authenticity author authoritarian authoritative authority authorize autobiography automated automatic automation automobile autonomous autonomy autopilot autosetting autumn auxiliary avail availability available avalanche avenge avenue average averse aversion aviation avoid avoidance await awake award aware away awe awe-stricken awful awfully awkward ax axe axial axiom axis axle azimuth azure