Aneks:Przysłowia angielskie - P
Angielskie przysłowia na: |
- paddle your own canoe
- paper bleeds little
- paper does not blush
- parents are patterns
- parsley seed goes nine times to the devil
- past cure, past care
- patience is a remedy for every sorrow
- patience is a virtue
- patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel
- pay as you go and nothing you'll owe
- pay beforehand was never well served
- pay what you owe and you'll know what you own
- peace makes plenty
- penny wise, pound foolish
- people are more easily led than driven
- people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
- physician, heal thyself
- pigs are pigs
- pigs may fly, but they are very unlikely birds (in. if a pig had wings, it might fly)
- piss or get off the pot
- pity is akin to love
- please your eye and plague your heart
- pleasure first and business after (in. business before pleasure)
- plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose (in. the more things change, the more they stay the same)
- poets are born, not made
- politeness costs nothing and gains everything (in. civility costs nothing)
- politics makes strange bedfellows
- possession is nine points of the law
- poverty comes from God, but not dirt
- poverty is no crime (in. poverty is not a crime)
- poverty is no disgrace, but it's a great inconvenience
- poverty is not a crime
- poverty makes strange bedfellows (in. adversity makes strange bedfellows)
- power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely
- practice makes perfect
- practice what you preach
- praise no man till he's dead
- praise the bridge that carries you over
- praise the child, and you make love to the mother
- prejudice is being down on what we are not up on
- prejudice is the child of ignorance
- prevention is better than cure
- pride comes before a fall (in. pride goes before a fall)
- pride feels no pain
- pride goes before a fall
- procrastination is the thief of time
- promises, like piecrust, are made to be broken
- prosperity discovers vice; adversity, virtue
- prosperity is just around the corner
- providence is always on the side of the big battalions
- punctuality is the politeness of kings
- punctuality is the soul of business
- put first things first (in. first things first)
- put your best foot forward
- put your trust in God, and keep your powder dry
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